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Old August 8th 05, 05:17 PM
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"an_old_friend" wrote in message

John Smith wrote:

I checked out Art Bell's site, but couldn't get any figures on how many
"space aliens" are residing in California, I would have loved to have
a comparison to their numbers with amateurs, as a ratio... I think that
me be another story, perhaps a "gov't conspiracy" and they are
the facts... heart-felt-frown

80%? Eight out of ten? You think I am an alarmist if I use "almost all"
to describe that kind of percentage? grin

I do think you are an alarmist, OTOH the state of affairs does call for
but 8 of ten is my experence and 1.5 out of ten are pushing upper 50's


On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 19:56:28 -0700, an_old_friend wrote:

John Smith wrote:
To all:

I do have opinions, I do believe I try to form correct ones. I
believe I
change, adapt and re-think these opinions--and frequently, if there
proof to the contrary of these beliefs--I would be an IDIOT not to
them, and men of sound sanity and judgement will be the judges. And,
is true today may change, it may not be true forever--I would like to
in step with my beliefs.

However, somethings I believe a

1) There are more illegal aliens in the state of California, alone,
there are LICENSED amateurs in the whole united states.

there may be more aliens in LA than hams

2) I believe there are more unemployed in the state of California,
than there are LICENSED amateurs in the whole united states.

3) I believe almost ALL generals and extras are sixty years of age and

90% or more like 80% ? what you caling almost all

myself about I guess about 80%

4) I believe amateur has become a group of self-serving old men of
yesteryear and they impede progress, I am unclear if they realize they
doing this, or the extent which others see them as doing that.

Personaly I believe they do not realize it

5) I believe MOST amateur gear is outdated, uses technology from
yesteryear and manufacturers see hams as a minute group in regards to
sales and expendature on research and development and retooling.

6) I believe, right now as I type this, that this is all in the first
stages of a massive change.

I truely hope you are right Sir I turely do

7) I believe amateur are a "Non-Issue" purely from these dismal

I'd love to call you a liar on that one

8) I believe much more, and it all points in the direction of the
above--amateur radio will change/adapt or die, and the oldsters would
it die--either out of disability, ignorance or design, but the effect
would be the same--and I believe even as I type this a few move
the other direction, and a new day for amateur radio--I believe the
great men in amateur radio died when the old guy who assisted me in
getting tickets died, and I believe he would have been man enough to
have stood up to the plate and called a spade, a SPADE!

I am a believer...


Then, tell me, HOW do they avoid ever pushing their upper 50's