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Old August 9th 05, 03:12 AM
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John Smith wrote:
To all:

I do have opinions, I do believe I try to form correct ones. I believe I
change, adapt and re-think these opinions--and frequently, if there exists
proof to the contrary of these beliefs--I would be an IDIOT not to change
them, and men of sound sanity and judgement will be the judges. And, what
is true today may change, it may not be true forever--I would like to keep
in step with my beliefs.

Well, let's see what ya got.

However, somethings I believe a

1) There are more illegal aliens in the state of California,
alone, than
there are LICENSED amateurs in the whole united states.

Are there more than 664,000 illegal aliens in California? If so,
your belief is reasonable.

The significance of that belief is another matter.

2) I believe there are more unemployed in the state of
California, alone,
than there are LICENSED amateurs in the whole united states.

Are there more than 664,000 unemployed in California? If so,
your belief is reasonable.

The significance of that belief is another matter.

3) I believe almost ALL generals and extras are sixty years of age and above.

What evidence do you have?

I'm 51 and have been an Extra for 35 years. I know plenty of generals
and extras younger than 60 - and plenty who are older.

4) I believe amateur has become a group of self-serving
old men of
yesteryear and they impede progress, I am unclear if they
realize they are
doing this, or the extent which others see them as doing that.

What evidence do you have? Hoe do you define "impede progress"?

5) I believe MOST amateur gear is outdated, uses technology from
yesteryear and manufacturers see hams as a minute group in
regards to
sales and expendature on research and development and retooling.

6) I believe, right now as I type this, that this is all in the first stages of a massive change.

7) I believe amateur are a "Non-Issue" purely from these dismal numbers.

8) I believe much more, and it all points in the direction of the
above--amateur radio will change/adapt or die, and the oldsters would have
it die--either out of disability, ignorance or design, but the effect
would be the same--and I believe even as I type this a few move towards
the other direction, and a new day for amateur radio--I believe the truly
great men in amateur radio died when the old guy who assisted me in
getting tickets died, and I believe he would have been man enough to
have stood up to the plate and called a spade, a SPADE!

I am a believer...

You can believe whatever you want, John, but that doesn't make it

There are plenty of people who think the earth isn't much more than
6000 years old, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

There are plenty of people who technology can solve any problem.

There are plenty of people who think that change equals progress, and
so they push change regardless of whether it does any good
or not.

There are plenty of people who embrace simple, easy answers to
complex, tough problems - because such answers usually blame
some other group.