WTB: Heath HG10 VFO
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April 8th 04, 06:58 AM
Mike Knudsen
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Lew/ K1NDV) writes:
Looking for a vfo for my DX40. Good shape and reasonable price
appreciated. Tnx 73s Lew/KlNDV
Someone may have said so already, but historically the correct VFO is the VF-1.
I built a VF-1 a year after I built my DX-40 in 1960 (when the "N" got dropped
out of KN3JVK). I long ago sold off the gear, but ISTR the VF-1 plugs into a
socket on the rear of the DX-40 to leech power.
And the VF-1's little window green dial is COOL, especially in the dark.
73, Mike K. AA1UK
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