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Old August 9th 05, 06:13 AM
Posts: n/a


I've always been able to get 100 watts or so out of the B&W 5100 on AM
up through 20 meters. It drops off after that, and on 10 I get perhaps
75 watts. On ssb, though, I've always gotten 100 watts output on peaks.
Perhaps the difference is that I am using the 5100-B and the sideband
generator designed for it. The 5100 had slightly less input power than
the later B, although the sideband generator was the same circuit as
the one I have, but used its own power supply. It was designed to be
use don any number of 100-watt rigs. The later ssb generator for use
with the 5100-B has no power supply, and gets all its power from the

Thanks for the info.
