K7ITM wrote:
As Allison wrote, the gain depends on the operating conditions other
than just collector supply voltage. However, a reasonable rule of
thumb if you don't change the operating class or circuit topology, but
do adjust the output matching network as appropriate, is that the gain
would change by 3dB per doubling of supply voltage (or -3dB for halving
it). Think of it this way: you get the same current, and you're only
changing the voltage. Power equals voltage times current. Of course,
you're limited by the transistor's breakdown voltage, and too much gain
can lead to instabilities. And at very low voltages, you need to
consider the transistor's saturation voltage.
Tom and Allison,
Thanks for your replies. The reason I'm asking is that I built two
class A small signal VHF stages using 2N3866's, powered by 14 volts,
and I'm getting only 2 to 3 dB gain per stage. Then, I was told to
change the transistors to 2N4427, which are 12 volt devices. Would the
gain improve by changing to 2N4427's? Please explain saturation
voltage. Thanks,