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Old August 9th 05, 07:10 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks


No, it's not.

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

Where are YOUR credentials to determine the stabilty of anyone
else's mental health, Mark?

The fact that YOU are a mental health patient?

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

Nope, nope and nope.

"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.

That's your rampant paranoia.

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code

You're suggesting the "murder" of Morse Code usage in Amateur

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

cuting another lies

Avoiding other issues you don't want to get your nose rubbed in
any more.

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

Absolutely UNtrue...

But don't let that slow you down...

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again...and again...and

cuting a lie
cuting another lie

cuting speling cop

You just can't stand it, can you...cut, cut cut...

yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue

cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

It wasn't a threat.

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

Ask around.

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

What threats?

You keep saying "those threats" and I keep saying "cite them".

All YOU do is say "those threats".

There are NO threats.

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!

I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop



You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was



Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is



What "behaviour" do you refer to?

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence


why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie


As usual, you're welcome to TRY and "prove" that, however you'll
not be successful.

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that


you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from establishing laws IRT the
establishment of religion.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abrdging one's freedom to
exercise religion of choice.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abridging freedom of speech.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from impeding the press.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from restricting peaceful assembly.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from making laws that impede the
people's right to seek relief of their grievances.

What's NOT the

Any wording that says that, if I WANTED to, I couldn't threaten
you or anyone else.

Yes, there ARE laws that provide penalties for it...But the
Constitution, as you suggest, is NOT source of those laws.


Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

cuting stevie off target rant

Proving that YOUR assertions were "off target"...?!?!

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ####. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.

so another lie


I am not angery with I am disguted by you

You are disgusted by getting your nose rubbed in your mistruths
and deceit?

Then stop doing it.

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context

cuting speling cop



Nice going, Markie...66 2/3 % error rate in one sentence...If one
can accurately call that a "sentence".

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

A case CAN be made for your deceitfulness and dishonesty.

So as I said earlier, if you think a case can be made against me,
file it.

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

So what?

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

There's no metal in my body, Markie.

How would I have metal contact withn the world?

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Congratulations. Only 33 1/3% error rate that time.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

There's nothing to "twist". Your comments are twisted right out
of the box, Markie...I jsut ahve fun with them!

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case


Are you NOW alleging that only the blind can use Braille?

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".

What would have been the first.

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.

Steve, K4YZ