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Old August 9th 05, 09:58 PM Political Messageboards
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Default Being Selective about TRAITORS

Gerry Adams Rev Paisley charged?


The Brits never thought to charge the IRA men or the rabid Proddy
Professor of Hate Ian Paisley with treason, so what's changed?
The Provisional IRA butchered innocent shoppers in supermarkets again
and again; and the Proddy Killers slugged innocent Catholics all over
Northern Ireland, yet not one Government minister came out with a
charge of Treason against these vicious arseholes.
So how come the Packies are different?
History, perhaps?
A Muslim Mulla couldn't be more hate-filled than Ian Paisley in
How about Enoch Powell's - Rivers of Blood - speech in the '60s, about
Pakistani Immigration into Britain wherin he was 'predicting' civil
violence.. The speech killed his career..and the British People have
distinguished themselves as The Most Tolerant In The World.
As we say in Australia about the ordinary people of Britain - " You
Bl***y lovely pommie *******s.."
And how do I feel about my Iraqi neighbours who had to go back to Iraq
because their Visa application failed?
I miss them! =20