First off I'm not a "fag" nor do I live in my parent's basment. Next
asshole, and I know it will be hard for you to understand with what
little to no brains you have, it was my LPTV applications that were
dismissed because they were not filed during the filing window. The
problem is I had a waiver with all my applications and there is no
filing windows for waivers. Waivers can be filed at anytime and the
courts have stated repeativly that the FCC MUST CONSIDER WAIVERS. So
believe what you and bitches want, the FCC are a bunch of lying
assholes. They go to court claiming all a person has to do is apply for
a license and ask for a waiver, but those SCUMBAGS AT THE FCC don't
consider waivers and as I've stated a BUNCH OF LYING ASSHOLES!!!!!
Todd N9OGL