William Warren wrote:
4. Verticals: if you put in a good counterpoise, verticals can outperform
dipoles, especially those fed with long lengths of coax. The work is
in the
ground system: you'll need to dig up a lot of yard, but you'll only do it
If you want to avoid the expense and digging of a conventional
radial system, go to the hardware store and buy several 50-foot
rolls of galvinized chicken wire fencing.
The cheap, "big hole" stuff works fine.
Put a ground rod at the center
below your vertical and connect the fencing.
Make a big "X" with it under your vertical.
If you really want to do it up right, make a "*" with it.
Use rocks or whatever to hold the stuff down flat.
The grass will grow over it and you can cut (using a
high blade setting, of course).
No digging, no miles of wire and it works very well,
as long as you secure it flat to the ground
so you don't snag a foot on it.
If you're in a wet environment
you'll have to replace it every couple of years,
but it's easy to do.
73 DE Dave AB5S