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Old April 15th 04, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a

- RIGHT dial a logging scale ONLY -

Your read the frequency from the LEFT dial -

You will notice that on the very top of the frequency scale it's also
divided into sections:

| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | and so on

So to log a station -

Read the LEFT Frequency Dial and notice the top logging scale.

Then Read the RIGHT logging scale.

So 10 Megacycles would be 2 - 45.5 or 245.5

You probably see the weakness in this system - not all SP-600's are
calibrated exactly alike - so if you went to 245.5 on your SP-600 you would
be near 10 megacycles but not exactly on it.

It does work great for shortwave broadcasts - just note the time and logging
scale and you will always be able to comeback to that AM station.

Mine is a SP-600-JX S.N. 129 !!!


Hi to all,
I'm restoring my Hammarlund SP-600 JX-21 S.N. 15805.
I didn't understand how operated the vernier tuning dials. The vernier
tuning dials has a 0-100 scale but it seems has no connection with KHz.
How can I calibrate it ?

Massimiliano IK0JJZ