Thread: Mil rx R19D
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Old April 16th 04, 02:08 AM
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If this is the R-19/TRC-1, 70-100 Mcs, it was used for point to point
communications...The TRC-1 equipment landed with the troops at
island hopping, and gun platforms, it relayed traffic between the beechs and
England.. The same for Korea, island hopping to Japan... I have always thought
that this equipment (AN/TRC-1) was possibley the best rig to come out of WW-2.
Receive was, double conversion, both oscillators controlled by one
crystal...Transmit, a 1 crystal mc, gave an output at 96 mc, at 50 watts, from
a pair 829s...By using CF-1 and CF-2, carrier equipment, as i recall 4 voice
channals and 12 teletype channals could be carried over the TRC-1...T/Sgt
E.P.Reed USAF Retired Radio repairman 1952-1972...73`s WB7NGI