K1GAX - Good Guy Alert!
I bought a Yaesu FT-51R package from Bryce recently. Of the
8 batteries in the deal, the 3 oldest (Yaesu OEM packs) would
not power the radio. The rest of the deal went perfectly.
I emailed him to let him know that the package had arrived FB
but 3 batteries were DOA. I didn't ask him to do anything and
I left positive feedback. eBay auction #5792874803.
Bryce offered to replace the defective packs. In his email he
commented that he treats others the same way he would like to
be treated. Within hours he had ordered from W&W and has
told them to ship directly to me.
Reading Bryce's info on QRZ, it's obvious that he is an A1-OP.
Thanks, Bryce!
73 de Ken KGØWX - Flying Pigs #-1055
Elecraft K2 #4913