Today's Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur NPRM Opinions!
As of midnight EDT on 12 Aug 05, WT Docket 05-235
Comments on Test Element 1 Elimination/Retention a
Total 1438
Indeterminate/duplicates (note 1) 62
Unambiguously Against NPRM (note 2) 390 28.34%
Unambiguously For NPRM (note 3) 797 57.92%
Code test ONLY for Extras (note 4) 189 13.74%
1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and three who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.
It should be noted that at least two individuals (one for,
the other against the NPRM) have been spotted making
multiple entries over following days; all such multiple
entries are considered duplicates and relegated to
Indeterminate sub-total regardless of their opinion position.
2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test.
3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.
4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.
Percentage figures are calculated against the Total less
the number of Indeterminate entries. For all up to
midnight of 12 Aug 05 that would be 1376.
12 August 2005 is the 18th day of submitted Comments. A notice
about FCC 05-143 or Docket WT 05-235 has NOT YET BEEN MADE in
the Federal Register so it is unknown if these 17 days of Comments
will be accepted by the Commission for decision on any Report and
Order. Note: The Federal Register 2005 Contents page on the GPO
website has NOT had any entry for 9 Aug 05 or later as of Noon,
EDT, 12 Aug 05.
Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.
yes non