Thread: Collins r388 ?
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Old April 22nd 04, 03:14 AM
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a

Wes Jacson wrote:
Well I dusted off a collins r388 and wow it is alot better than I thought.So
I took it to my Elmer and we found it had been messed with in the detector
department.And is motoboating.With very weak audio.Luckily we have an
original manual.But after doing some surfing I see that there are a number
of mods that have been writin' up in varios mags over the years.Most seem to
deal with making it recieve SSB..Anyway we replaced all the weak tubes and a
few filter caps but it is putting out weak sound still.So I was hoping to
get some opinions on whether to put it back as stock as possible or to go
ahead and do one of the mods that are out there.I think I'll keep this one
as it is just a great lookin and as I understand great perfoming radio.
Any suggestions?

If you got a broken radio and you modify it, you got a modified broken

Put a signal into the antenna terminals and measure it at each point along
the IF line and see if it is within the tolerances in the manual. Check
on all bands. Then follow the demodulated signal through the audio deck.

You'll find some bad caps, maybe some bad resistors too.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."