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Old August 14th 05, 03:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Just one thing, Lennie.

Are we now down to denigrative dimunutives of everyone?

Gee, Len, Alun is just following your example. Is that wrong?

I am a foreign citizen myself.

Not a dispute with me.

Obviously it is.

However, an Australian citing Australian
radio regulations, with a clearly-identifiable Australian postal
address, NOT having a U.S. radio license and NOT being affected
by U.S. radio regulations is considered "foreign" in my unofficial
tally of respondents to WT Docket 05-235.


Suppose that Australian was considering moving to the US
and getting a US amateur radio license. Or he might want a US license
for some other reason. He would be affected by US regulations.

Except for one claim here more than 5-1/2 years ago, *you*
have not expressed any desire to obtain a US amateur radio
license. So you are no more affected by US regulations than
the Australian.

However, I am a US permenent resident and have a US ham
licence (not only a US licence, mind
you). My comments say nothing about my citizenship.

I have no dispute with that. If you have a U.S. radio license
then you are bound to U.S. radio regulations when transmitting
from U.S. territory using that callsign.

So would an Australian who is not a citizen.

I suggest that it isn't
relevant, and it's the country of residence that is important. Of course, I
can't vote in elections, but the FCC comment process is
specifically open
to anyone who cares to comment, even non-hams like you, LOL!

The FCC is "open" to ALL Comments on Mass Media Radio
(broadcasting) Regulations REGARDLESS of whether or not a
Commenter is IN Mass Media radio services.

And regardless of whether a commenter is a citizen or resident
of the USA.

The FCC is "open" to ALL Comments on Private Land Mobile
Radio Services' Regulations REGARDLESS of whether or not a
Commenter is IN Private Land Mobile radio services.

And regardless of whether a commenter is a citizen or resident
of the USA.

The FCC is "open" to ALL Comments on Aviation Radio Services'
Regulations REGARDLESS of whether or not a Commenter is IN
Aviation radio services.

And regardless of whether a commenter is a citizen or resident
of the USA.

The FCC is "open" to ALL Comments on Maritime Radio Services'
Regulations REGARDLESS of whether or not a Commenter is IN
Maritime radio services.

And regardless of whether a commenter is a citizen or resident
of the USA.

The FCC is "open" to ALL Comments on Personal Communications
Radio Services' Regulations REGARDLESS of whether or not a
Commenter is IN Personal Communications radio services.

And regardless of whether a commenter is a citizen or resident
of the USA.

However, in HERE whenever someone's particular personal ox
is gored or merely irritated with a scratch there seems to be
a sounding of the Hue and Cry! with all the outraged and
offended forming a posse to Hang Them High! :-)

Yep, that's how you behave, Len. All the time.

FCC is open to the comments of all interested parties, regardless of
age, gender, race, creed, ethnic origin, whether a commenter is a
citizen or resident of the USA, whether they are an FCC licensee or
not, etc.

You're not nearly so open to comments.

Voiding one comment because the person specifically said they were a
foreign citizen doesn't make much sense, as there are in fact others from
foreign citizens that simply don't say (at least one, i.e. me, but statistically there must be others).

Lots of others. They don't count to Len.

Tough snit, Alun. I am doing a private unofficial tallying of
opinions on WT Docket 05-235.

How is anyone to know if your "tallying" is reliable, Len?

Why should anyone trust your reading of the comments, given
your behavior here all these years?

If my "voiding" of ONE Australian
Commenter's Comment in this tally is offensive, then simply add
in that ONE Comment in the "appropriate" category (of your
choice) after, of course, finding it and reading it to determine
what that Commenter is saying.

We don't know what other massaging of the data you've done, though...

In fact I suspect that out of 1414 comments it's statistically likely that
there are some signed with bona fide US calls that are from
citizens who have never lived in the US.

It's almost a certainty.

You know there is US VE testing in
all the countries that have US bases, and it isn't just the
military who
take the tests, but plenty of locals too. You would have
to look up
everybody's address to find out who lives outside the US,
and information
on citizenship of hams simply doesn't exist, so there
is no way to verify it.


As I wrote on Mark's posting, ANYONE is free to go into the FCC
ECFS and READ EVERY Comment and decide for themselves, do their
own unofficial "poll" of opinions and post that.

Why should anyone bother? It's been shown that the majority
opinion is not binding on FCC. They do what they decide to
do, and majority opinion is only one small factor.

Why do *you* bother? It's clear what FCC wants to do - been
clear for years.

As of midnight
EDT on 12 August 2005 there were a total of 1437 Comments on WT
Docket 05-235. [that includes the very first document there, the
NPRM of the FCC which, by its own statement, would be in the "For"
category. The entirety of the ECFS contents is "open" to ALL
who have Internet access, foreign or domestic, citizen or alien.

Let me remind you and others of one important thing that the
"clubhouse" mentality hams

Who are they? Name some names and calls, not your usual vague
references and "denigrative dimunutives".

don't fully understand: Neither the
FCC Commissioners NOR FCC Staff involved with U.S. amateur radio
regulations are required to hold any amateur radio license grant
in order to MAKE and ENFORCE U.S. amateur radio regulations.
[see Part 1 of Title 47 C.F.R. for a comprehensive set of
regulations on what the FCC is about, how it is organized, what
it is required to do by LAW as described in the Communications
Act of 1934 and as amended in the Telecommunications Act of
1996...those Acts passed by the Congress of the United States]

I don't know a single US radio amateur who doesn't know and
understand that fact, Len. What's the big deal?

The First Amendment of the United States Consitution specifically
states that CITIZENS are given the freedom to "speak" to their
government on anything they so wish.

And the FCC extends that right to noncitizens and even nonresident
noncitizens as well. Who are you to rescind it?

As a citizen of the United
States of America that is what I am doing, have done, will
continue to do. That is the RIGHT of ALL United States citizens
on United States LAW.

well, bully for you, Len! Do you really think all your spamming
of ECFS makes one bit of difference to FCC?

Why shouldn't Alun and the unnamed Aussie have the same ability?