Swan 1011 and Siltronix 1011B
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April 26th 04, 10:23 PM
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(I Am Not George) wrote in
WA3MOJ wrote in message
In article , mi-oldradios says...
"David Stinson" wrote in message
. ..
WA3MOJ wrote:
Swan is the best radio ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except for all the rest... heh heh...
My vote for best medium-price rigs goes to Drake.
Swan--the touchiest transmitter tuning but it does kick butt on SSB.
Also has the smooooothest tuning with that dual speed knob. As you
can tell, I'm a proud Swan 500CX SS16 owner.
Nice rig.......I use my swan to drive my 16 pill.
::::: Alert The Media! :::::
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