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Old August 15th 05, 10:10 PM
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On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 19:26:57 -0700, Frank Gilliland

+On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 02:09:41 GMT, wrote in
+BTW, the DoD security clearance "creep"' over the years used to have
+the confi clearance as the most common.
+Today, it seems as if secret is the most common clearance.
+Probably because they have had too many people exposing too many of
+the government's dirty little secrets. Like their 50-caliber sniper
+rifle..... can you say "Geneva Convention"?


If you had taken time to read the full mesagge and conditions then you
would understood my comment of "easy". May be easy was not the best
word but if you have a clean record and meet the conditions required
one should not have too much difficulty in getting clearances.
Especially if your job requires it. Again if you have a clean record,
no subversive alliances and memberships to subversive groups and not
in debt to your eyeballs, you stand a pretty good chance of getting
clearances if the job you are applying for requires one. Guaranteed if
you are $100K in credit card debt on $35K income, you are not going to
get a clearance. Especially after 9/11. After 9/11 yes clearances
became more dififcult to get. Rummy did demand that all clearances be
reviewed and those that did not need one had theirs revoked.

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