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Old August 16th 05, 06:19 PM
Ken Bessler
Posts: n/a
Default Homebrew HT antenna

I just built a 1/4 wave (146mhz) antenna for my dual band
HT (Yaesu FT-51r). It's simply 19.25" of .025" piano wire
soldered into the core of a broken SO-239/BNC adapter.
The BNC center pin just sits in the socket in the radio with
a rubber bnc cap keeping the antenna load off the pin and
keeping dirt out. It's all a press fit and it seems to work great.

Comparing it to my OEM rubber duck, it's about 2-4 S units
better on 2m & 440. As I understand it, it works as a 3/4
wave antenna on UHF and should be a good match but the
radiation angle won't be perfect.

My question is this: What would be the radiation angle on 440?

I know I'm picking nits here but I'm interested in the theroy.

P.S. The FT-51R is an all metal case HT which should provide
a good capacitive couple to my hand but what about when
the HT is on the back of my backpack? What counterpoise do
I get then? Maybe from the mic cable?
73 de Ken KGØWX - Flying Pigs #-1055
Elecraft K2 #4913