K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
From you own tale of your experience with trying to learn morse, you'd
be 1) incapable of recognizing that it was an emergency and 2) incapable
of understanding what help was needed.
more of your pack of lies
From the archived words of Mark C. Morgan, KB9RQZ.
YOU said you COULDN'T DO IT.
Nope I said I can't when restricted to just the use of my ear
Ear...fingers...flashing lights.
You're incapable. Period.
without using my PC No i can't
But I never have my radios without having at least one of my pc's, So I
can Alawys do morse Code if I need to
Unless, of course, you're now changing your story and claiming you
CAN learn Morse?
nope No need to learn Morse in order to use morse
Even Jim adknowledges that
Regardless of the mehtodology, YOU won't learn...
I already have just not by a methodlogy that I am allowed to use for e
a Code test
I have logged long ragcrews in Cw I was doing it to help other hams
pass there tests and so rather than typing at each other In Mirc or
other means we chatted over the air me all PC for encoding and decoding
him by ear and keyer toreply.
And anyone that can follow my typing converted to Morse can pass a test
at the same speed
You refuse to acept facts
You refuse to use a spellchecker.
yes I do
That makes you a voluntary idiot.
no it makes me at worst stuborn
You want me to spend time and energy on what you want?
You are a fool if you think you can bully me into doing your will
It isn't hard to reconize SoS
It is if you don't know Morse Code.
a few letter sure can't keep the whole set in my mind though
Perhaps the lack of "mind" with which to store the 26 letters and
10 numbers?
it is a problem a type of mental capcity yes indeed. never deiend that,
that you insit on realting it to other matter I have deined when proper
Once reconized the action needed is clear, For me of course the
procedure is different I would record the signal for play back later.
Then I try ruing it though a computer decode, which should recover much
of the signal. or if not I send using the PC a sginal reequesting more
If you can't copy code without the computer, how are you going to
send it?
By using the computer to do so
How do you know to record one signal over another that MIGHT be a
distress signal?
if I here SOS or anything like it ....DUH
Now agreed I am not as likely to hear the signal, indeed even if you or
Dave were at my rig it would harder to read the CW signal since I don't
bother with specail Filters for CW etc. I would be looking through the
band in SSB sized slices et, so I am more likely to miss it, but IF I
hear it I will respond
I have done so many times
I bet you have.
thank you
Indeed a FD station where I was doing so may even be in Your log
Not in my log it isn't.
maybe, maybe not, It would be a Club Call of course not KB9RQZ
I run it through until I have or find I can't read it with a
machine. If i can't read it then I start calling people who can read
the signal play it for them let them decode it and/or get them on the
Air to render more assistance than I can
And by the time this has all transpired and you've spent a couple
hours banging out your dreck in RRAP due to your frustrations at not
knowing if it was a distress signal or Dave and I talking about you,
the ship has gone down with loss of life. Too bad, too...There was a
tanker only 10 miles away that could have diverted and assisted...
wel you yea sure it would take me longer, never diened that and yea if
the ship is sinking fast I may not be able to help, butAt least I tried
"well" "denied" "yeah"
"Gee too bad the ship sank and I COULD have saved them".
GEE to bad they could not have lasted a bit longer at least I tired
So your satement "From you own tale of your experience with trying to
learn morse, you'd be 1) incapable of recognizing that it was an
emergency and 2) incapable of understanding what help was needed.", Is
a bald faced lie,and if you had any brains you'd know that.
He does have the brains. He very aptly pointed out that you have
not learned Morse Code and as a consequence can not respond in a prompt
and meaningful manner.
dpends on how well the morse was send if the operator was good I can
turn it around in acouple of minutes if it is bad then maybe an hour
"depends" "sent"
It won't matter HOW fast it's sent...If you can't do it, you can't
do it.
Liar if the morse is badly sent it matters, if the speed ins't even it
matters. I can do it Me and MY pc that is, The mere fact i got a
somewhat defective modem unit in my brain for such things doesn't mean
I can't be fitted with an external modem that will work
I know my limits, and I prepare for them. I considered long and hard
the Claim of the Procoders about distress, and did something about it.
I aquired the tools to deal with the issue, maybe I (and my Pc) are not
as Good as you or Dave, maybe we are, but we are better than Many
stations that passed the Code test and forgot code the next day,
meaning I am good enough for the current bands
The Last a point that the ITU and the FCC agree is correct
But I could respond in seconds tell them someone was trying to decode
and tell em things to do in sending there signal that would help my PC
to copy
How can you send a message in response TO a message and tell them
you're trying to "decode" it when you don't even know why the original
message was sent...?!?!
I can send a message quote "to station apearing to sending SOS on this
Frequency DE KB9RQZ please repeat now nature of you emergency, please
be adivised that Sending slowy and evenly is required for this station
to receive decode and attempt to assit you over"
Indeed since the program I have has memories for sending caned messages
that one I can send by hitting key f1
the word you refuse to say, the answer to the question of when you
worked those out of band hams did you know they were out of band or
not. Not were you responible to know or any other evasion.
Why, Mark, is that an "evasion"...?!?!
It remains the point. He wasn't required to know.
it was never the point
Sure it was.
Was he required to know the OTHER station's operating limits, and
WAS he, by his Tanzanian license, restricted from communicating with
It's the WHOLE point!
it never was the point
The point was DID he know not wether he was required to
you dance and dance avoiding this question
In either case, he's "in the clear".
Dave had NO OBLIGATION to know who was in or out of the bands per
THIER administration's requiremments.
None under US law...None under Tanzanian law...None under
International law.
more evasion
It's not "evasion".
It's a matter or complying with laws and regulations.
A question even YOU said was moot!
it is evasion
since it has nothing to do with wether the operation was legal or not
Which means YOU haven't got a leg to stand on.
the longer you 2 dance around missing the point the better it gets
There's no "dancing".
YOU have acknowledged that Dave wasn't required to know the French
stations limits.
YOU have acknowledged that no one could be EXPECTED to know other
stations limits...
Nope never said that
Said wasn't required
nothing about expected
more of your embellishing my words again
Yet YOU keep trying tio insist that it somehow applies differently
in this case...
Not at all
Which just makes YOU look (as if it were possible) even MORE
no just shows you and dave are not answering the question put
If Dave knew (by what ever means) they were out of band when he made
the contacts then he was wrong to do it
If dave only learned later they were out of band then he gets a ONE
time pass.
So until/unless Dave wants to answer questions about what did he know,
and when did he know it all of this is evasion
Steve, K4YZ