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Old August 16th 05, 11:56 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:


Not a braggard, not a bully and there's nothing "alleged" about
having been in the Marines.

yes a Braggard and a bully and it is alleged about being a marine, you
have not proven it ever

not that you can prove it here ever

Sure I can.

I've provided more than one credible third party that can
corroborate my previous duty status.

which is not the same a proving it yourself

indeed one the thing you can't prove is that the author I am responding
to is Steven J Robeson call sign K4YZ

indeed from some of your postings I wonder if this isn't the daughter
of K4YZ using daddies Pc to cause trouble

As for "bragard and bully", you're tilting at windmills, Markie!

if so I am in Good company

or are you Now Dening being a marine?

Funny...You capitalize "dening" (denying) but diminutive Marine.


My assertion of your ineptness proven by YOUR hand.

your assertion that I am prone to such typos was granted years ago

and not disputed since

coming clean about that are you?

Coming "clean" about what?

No answer?

indeed you gave no answer

and you qualify more than qualify

And you still can't put even a simple sentence together correctly.


It makes your attempts to call others "idiots"
foolish...Especially when you put it in the subject line where EVERYONE
can see it without having to open the item to read it!

not at all

Sure it does.

not realy

you have lied in the past and you lie in the present

Nope and nope.

sure do and continue to

Again Jim asks and other as well

If I am so worthless why do you bother to hang on ervery word I type?

I don't. But worthless or not, liars deserve to be kept at bay
for what they are. I've done that rather effectively.

Liar you hang n every word

as to kept at bay well you dictionary is not mine

I post what I want when I want

Steve, K4YZ