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Old September 10th 03, 10:14 AM
Ian White, G3SEK
Posts: n/a

Dennis Kaylor wrote:
hello everyone
i am thinking about putting up the following antenna

and i am wondering how many radials i should put down?
i am in florida so the ground is sand
i plan on driving an 8 foot ground rod directly under the radiation
element and tieing the radials to it and also to the chainlink fence
that runs along the back(100feet) and along one side(50feet)
i was thinking of around 20-25 radials most of them would all be around
30 feet long
so my questions are

1) is there a deminisoning return on the number of radials?

2) is there a high voltage issue connecting to the fence?

3) would there be an increased noise level by tieing into the fence posts?

There was an article in August QST about making the best possible use of
a given total length of radial wire.

73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'