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Old May 8th 04, 12:33 AM
Posts: n/a

FS: Robot 400 SSTV unit. Front panel is nice. Good starter or backup
unit. $45.00 plus a little shipping. Have photo. 73s Lew K1NDV

What can you do with it?

SSTV standards have changed so much in the last several years that
I've found my 400 pretty useless.

Just a collectible really - they look cool in a shack, and harkens back
to the 'good old days' - I have fond memories of my mentor using his
Robot 'green screen' monitor with the 400 converter - slower than
molasses to draw a screen, and absolute MAGIC! If I weren't in
a 'get rid of stuff' mode, I'd snatch it up just to have it in my shack!

But as an SSTV rig, yeah - it's useless really. You can get STUNNING
quality with modern converters into your computer, so the ol' Robot
is just a relic of the past. And $45 is a really good price, IMO, but
would be better if it had the monitor with it...