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Old August 20th 05, 06:48 PM
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Default Day 9 Stevie when you going to fess up to your lies

Stevie has for some time been spearding the Lie that he could o
something to more than anoy for what he sees as many and manifold sins

9 Days ago I demanded he put up or shut up, I'd prfer of course that he
shut up, but it was his choice.

His response was to threaten me even further

Finaly 7 days ago he claimed to have taken action

He has claimed to have taken action that would result in people staring
at me or driving past the house differently

Action that I would notice

Guess what? Stevie Lied.

And Stevie can't tolerate Liars

yet he lies

Stevie claims Lying is a evil on a par with Kiddy Porn and spouse
abuse, and yet he lies.

when are you going to come clean and admit your lies