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Old August 21st 05, 10:37 PM
Uncle Peter
Posts: n/a

"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
In article .com,
I have a different receiver that continually blew fuses. I eventually
determined that it was a bad power transformer, probably a shorted
winding, since it blows fuses with the secondary completely
disconnected. I hope this is not your problem. Good luck.

If it blows fuses with the rectifier tube removed, this is almost
certainly the problem.

But, the good news is that when this happens, the shorted turn is
almost always on the (very fine wire) HV secondary, which is the
top winding in the bundle and the easiest thing to rewind.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

I'd suggest removing all of the secondary windings at this point.
It could be a wiring problem--such as a pilot lamp socket
shorting out, or even arcing in the rectifier tube socket.
You have nothing to lose. The dim bulb test on a transformer
will the secondaries unloaded will reveal a shorted winding

If it is the transformer, I suspect the radio should have some
burnt odor to it. They usually take several minutes of cooking
to fail to that degree.

Next step is dumpstering/parting the receiver, or finding a
donor. Those R-100s are problematic with the PCB
style bandswitches...
