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Old August 21st 05, 11:08 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


At this point, all I see which has been "proved" is that in humanity there
is a need to set ones own image as being "special", the things they use as
as qualifications to these ends are preposterous--even resorting to
flashing a hobby license at you in pursuit of those ends...

.... grab a chair and view this "circus" of performers out there, and just
to think, they have no clue on the opinions of others viewing them in
their silly performances... indeed, even if you attempt to explain it to
them, it just doesn't make it though that image they have constructed for

It is much like watching a "lotus blossom eater" and unable to fathom what
visions must dance before their eyes obscuring the reality which lies
about them... the term "glorified CB'ers" pops to the forefront of ones


On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 20:57:17 +0000, Dan/W4NTI wrote:

There it is. Proof that "Incentive licensing" has caused hate and
discontent in Ham Radio. I've said it for years. And here it is.


"John Smith" wrote in message

... rumor has just reached me that the extras have been unsuccessful, as
of lately... rumor continues to exist they have only been ineffectual, as
of late, because of the vast numbers of "lower class hams" attempting to
glue their lips to the bottoms of the extras--thus keeping the extras so
worn out in finding a place to sit they cannot partake in the usual
practice of deception, manipulation and mind control of the unwitting...

... rumors only, mind you!


On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 12:18:55 -0700, John Smith wrote:

... read all about it!

Extras are attempting to bully all other "lower class forms of licenses"
into submission to their wills (and of course, worship of "The Great CW

... but then, what is news about that ...
