K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Stevie promised action action that could be noticed
what has Stevie deleivered
Nada except...
Stupid mind #### games
More lies
Proof that ispretty darn sick (equating Lying and kiddy porn)
Lying IS on the same level.
Proof that you are sick
When confronted by his Lie, what does Stevie?
Why he attacks to divert attention from being caught
"Attacks to divert attention", eh...?!?!
You are attacking to divert attention for YOUR lies about your ability
to cause action in my life
Markie, it seems to me that YOU are the one who has been starting
a new thread each and every day with such notable comments as defending
lying, personal and professional attacks, and basically just paranoid
Your lying again You have NO Professional eveidence
You lie whan you say you do
You lied when you promised that you put up
I am just pointing your LIES
Seek help, Markie.
Put up or shut up
Steve, K4YZ