Thread: TS 140S PROBLEM
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Old August 22nd 05, 03:57 PM
Andrew VK3BFA
Posts: n/a

JAVI wrote:
I have a problem with my ts140s. After 3 year of inactivity i power
up my all transceiver and it stay 1 month powered but not transmiting.
after that i note:
-when i rotate the know down slowly the frecuency goes up 1.9
khz per step.
- when i rotate the knob down fast the frecuency goes down ok
- when i rotate the knob up slowly the frecuency goes up ok (0.1
khz up).
- when i rotate the knob up fast it works ok.

I reset the microprocesor but the bug don=B4t fix.
Any idea about the problem???.
Many thanks an 73.

No, I cant tell you whats wrong. You need to get a service manual, and
a cro, and have a look for it - starting at the output of the dial
generator and going from there. Maybe someone else has seen this exact
fault before, and can say which $.00 part to replace.

73 de VK3BFA Andrew