It is probably easy for you to make that mistake in your analysis. As you
totally ignore the fact the real problem is the amateurs who take
themselves FAR too seriously, attempt to manipulate others with their
control freak attitudes, have held amateur radio back in the stone age
because of their unwillingness to accept and adopt progress. Ignore the
almost total lack of newbies entering the hobby, etc, etc...
Yes, I can accept it looks that way to you, and you want to block
discussion on the matter because any discussion and thought causes the
facts to come foreword, and the truth becomes obvious. However, I think
you too late, the cat is out of the bag and all can see who can face
Cheap shots at diverting attention away from the real facts and onto
attacks and battles over personalities only work on those who do not see
reality in the stark light which depicts the decayed state amateur radio
has drifted into under those stewardship who have used these tactics...
I'd cut out the personal attacks and show some embarrassment if I was you,
if there was a shred of credibility left to be had, I'd attempt to win it
back--if I were you...
On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 01:29:02 -0700, N2EY wrote:
John Smith wrote:
Really man, just poking a bit of fun, it is all good...
It will all work out, I just attempt to appeal
to those with a sense of
humor who do not take themselves too seriously...
I would not want to see anyone denied the use
of CW if that is what they
wish--I am an american believing in the
pursuit of happiness... I don't
think CW'ers dumb or stupid or anything
of the sort, but hey, it gets an
argument out of 'em...
In other words, "John Smith" is just
an anonymous troll, making baseless
insulting statements just to stir up
an argument.
And he thinks it's "all good" and
"funny" to do so.