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Old August 22nd 05, 05:02 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Exactly, they have become so blinded to the sorry, decrepit, decayed and
dying state of amateur radio--they have began to accept it as the norm!
And, to resist the very change which would breath new life into the hobby
and restore it to some dignity and status--high strangeness alright! They
make the mistake of not seeing the insanity in their own words!

Some things in life are just painful to observe, like a wino so addicted
to the bottle he just continues on his course, oblivious to the reality of
the mess and sorry state he depicts to other around him not sharing the
same drunken visions--so are the "lotus blossom eaters" here...


On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 06:28:51 -0700, an_old_friend wrote:

John Smith wrote:

Sounds to me, if those are Carl's words, he is right on...

That is exactly what has went on, what has happened, and what the "old
pharts" don't want to face up to, the truth...

Why would anyone be shocked?

Indeedintersting that Dave should try to flame Carl with a ringing
endorsement of Carl for director, were i living in the Atlandtic dision
I might rush out and rejion just to vote for him, because of statements
like that


On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 05:44:49 +0000, Dave Heil wrote:

Carl Stevenson 1997

"We'd be better off if we could, instead, find a way to reeducate the
whining olde fartz ... those whose knowledge of radio is frozen in the
30s and 40s somewhere don't deserve their licenses today, no matter how
fast they can beep ..."

Carl Stevenson 1998:

"The majority of the opposition is, IMNSHO, based on people's
experiences with "frequency coordinators" who warehouse frequencies
for private repeaters for their cronies and an ARRL which is
totally out of touch with today's world, tries at every turn to
thwart progress in favor of the status quo of stagnancy and decay,
and could care less what the majority of hams feel or believe."

"In a word, 'bull****,' Ed ... it's just that the majority of hams who
are not ARRL members (and even many of us who ARE) know full-well how
the good-old-boy politics of the ARRL work and have seen this type of
move coming for some time."

" More BS, Ed ... the ARRL's sleazy attempt at end-run regulation
speaks volumes about the ARRL."

"I freely admit my bias against current (counting the past few decades)
ARRL policy and current 'leadership.' I am by no means a 'lone wolf'
in holding this opinion."

Carl Stevenson 1999:

"I don't think we should establish 'protected class' setasides
for ANY legacy technology ... "

Carl's race for the Atlantic Division Directorship should be interesting
at the very least. Should he actually get elected, I'm sure the
seasoned veterans of the League will welcome him with open arms.

Dave K8MN