From: K4YZ on Aug 22, 1:14 pm
Stebie, it takes as much time to write a single private e-mail
as it does to write a PUBLIC posting in here. Just write your
response IN PUBLIC if you want to be believed. That way anyone
can check it out as they wish. If it is verifiable, it will be
be believed. If it isn't verifiable, then you are just making
with a Confidence Game piece of BS.
You've been GIVEN information IN PUBLIC that can be verified on an
number of topics, Lennie.
Those consist solely of Stebie's messages. That is all.
You blow it off with your own little song-and-dance.
"Song and dance?" :-)
[just a minute while I put on my Haney plates and move the rug...]
[dancers count in Octal, did you know that? :-) ]
"Song and Dance" Listings I've made:
1. Short-form WORK RESUME, not a "CV" or Curriculum Vitae.
Curriculum Vitae is for academics, is a whole Life
Experience listing.
2. Names and callsigns of living radio amateurs (N2JTV, KD6JG,
W6MJN) who know me (Gene was IN my signal battalion and
worked at the same transmitting station, different shift).
3. Issue date of the Pacific Stars and Stripes military
newspaper which had my interview in it, still archived at
www.estripes website.
4. E-mail digitized copy of my first 'First Phone license
certificate which you said you didn't look at (impossible
to verify that a recipient has looked at anything).
5. Twice given others' listings of Ham Radio magazine articles
indexes which include my articles published there plus
mention of the fact that I was on their masthead as
Associate Editor in the 1980s (sold to CQ Communications
in 1990 after 22 years of independent publishing).
6. Included mentions of enough events, history, details of
the entire radio world to indicate a familiarity with
that documented history, giving specific websites for
information to verify that.
7. Given websites' URLs for collections for some of my
papers on radio.
8. Given websites for verification of DoD directives,
government radio activities, the NTIA (including Reports),
radio history other than ARRL versions of same.
9. Given book references on radio history and theory.
ALL of that is verifiable by anyone, anyone who cares to LOOK,
write the corporations' personnel departments about my employment,
or write the individuals I've listed.
In addition, I've made all of my PC programs for radio-electronics
freeware. I've mentioned only one, LCie4 (design-analysis of
passive L-C filters) in public communications with Jim Weir,
(WX6RST?) both in here and in
NONE of what I've said/written is any sort of fabrication. It is
ALL independently verifiable. NONE of it is "song and dance."
Do we readers of this newsgroup see anything remotely similar
from Stebie? NO! All we get is vague generalities, no details,
smokescreened by innumerable personal insults against the
challengers in an attempt to divert attention.
WE all SHARE a feeling that all
you do is lay down a Snow Job, A Con Game Scam, lots of BS, and
a bunch of other nefarious braggadoccio. shrug
So far you also share (with the exception of "Frank") deceit and
What "deceit" and "dishonesty?" Anyone is free to independently
verify for themselves what I've said is TRUE.
You seem to be operating from your own fantasy world where you
IMAGINE what others "really are." THAT is wrong, that isn't the
real world where the rest of us live.
You REFUSE TO ACCEPT what some of us have done in radio-electronics
and prefer to engage in petty squabbling and Flame War ignition
because you get challenged on your own opinions. Your ego is
seemingly so sensitive that you can't stand anything negative
said about your opinions, attitudes, or general comportment...yet
you insist on being "blameless" for heaping personal abuse on
others IN PLACE OF replying on the SUBJECT under discussion.
You've done the latter as shown quoted above. You do the same
thing in the quoted text following -
You also have COPIOUS quantities of your own snow jobs,
con games, BS, and nefarious braggadoccio in this forum, Lennie...Your
pointing finger has plenty of all of them dripping off of them.
ANYONE can verify my "background" (work/hobby/life experiences)
from the references I've given in public. Independently verify
them. Having a different opinion on something is NOT a "snow
job," "con game", "BS", or (love this one) "nefarious
braggadoccio". It is simply HAVING A DIFFERENT OPINION. That
YOU don't like an opinion different from yours is NOT some
kind of "exemption" to call others names, to insult them. Yet,
you routinely insult, demean, heap abuse on those who differ in
their opinions. Sooner or later you MUST learn to take it in
regards to differing opinions. The real world does NOT run on
Stebie fantasies or ego-centric thought.
All you need do is to post some VERIFIABLE information or have
some digitized documents available for e-mail to prove your
statements. You SHOULD state YOUR case on "experiences" in
enough first-person detail so that others - who have shared
similar experiences - can judge whether or not they are "true."
Avoid the constant barrage of petty insults thrown at those
who challenge you in place of supplying verifiable references.
The constant, almost unremitting Flame War you engage in here
only makes "your case" unbelievable, as if your whole reason-
for-being is to FIGHT with everyone. I'm sure there's a
"rec" newsgroup just for FIGHTING. Go there and work out if
you must. Remember that THIS newsgroup is for recreational
radio, amateur policy matters, NOT "Stebie Against The World."
Oh, work on your salesmanship skills. All good con men are
salesmen at heart. So far you've not sold much...if anything.
for gon