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Old August 23rd 05, 03:31 AM
an old friend
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Default Stevie confesses to mental dischage from Marines

Stevie has deined any physcail problem so it must be metnal discharge
there at the end

from ERLPN Sep 18 1998, 3:00 am
Mt. T,

Re your:If he was a Marine I would take credits away from him.
We use to
say the
Marine Motto was "Charge,Kill, kill Die." Charge up the hill,kill as
many as
you can and die as you get to the top.

My Drill Instructors were a bit more realistic. Our focus was
"It's NOT
your job to die for your Country....It's your job to make that other
S.O.B. die for his."

Yes, spoken by General Patton (or alleged to have been), but
sensical to
me. A dead Marine can't kill other enemy soldiers.

Perhaps in "your day" there was a glut of Marines to use as cannon
but when I hit the Yellow Footprints on September3rd, 1974, it had been
volunteer" for a year, and the Recruiters weren't exactly overwhelmed
persons jamming the hallways to get to MCRD. Taking out "more' of
them" than
took us made (makes) sense to me!

(In case you want to check the validity of my service like Mark,
with Platoon 2100, F Co, 2nd RTB, RTR, MCRD SanDiego from the date
finishing with medical retirement from MCAS El Toro, CA 29 May 1992)

Semper Fidelis

Steve Robeson, K4YZ