Well, I can't say I've sensed a shortage of HW-101s in ANY condition. I'd
hate to tell you how many get left in the dumper at the hamfest after NOBODY
buys them. The SB-303 is a somewhat different story.
I doubt that anybody is going to get rich doing this.
Too, try to sell a "working perfectly" rig that has had holes drilled in it
or some such. Most collectors will pay more for good cosmetics than they
will for working units. The electronics are easy to fix and out of sight,
but a cabinet that's all beat up and full of holes is a hard repair.
"Lou" wrote in message
Not that I agree with stripping a "working" unit apart to sell the parts,
but I have seen cases where an item was "close" to working condition, but
put money into it to get it to work was more expensive than had the person
stripped it and sold it for parts - as the parts for that particular unit
were hard to find and not necessarily cheap. The only time I've stripped
working items to sell parts from, is if I could not sell it whole, or it
too expensive to ship and I found people interested in buying the parts. I
did quite well that way. Maybe this guy "feels" he can make more parting
out than it is worth! This guy may have an axe to grind.. Maybe he doesn't
like Ham and this is his revenge - or as another stated, his therapy. Who
knows what may be the driving force......
"JOE" wrote in message
Maybe you would prefer he have to apply for a government permit
before he could disassemble it.
Wow! Only 3 posts before the looney toons start showing up!