AB5S WT 05-235 Comments to FCC
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August 23rd 05, 05:51 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
From: John Smith on Aug 22, 3:22 pm
What is "good for amateur radio" has to be "what is good for the people",
and NOT "what is good for my klick."
No, John, it IS for their clique...except they can't see anything
but their clique as being "amateur radio."
You have a point, Len. There is an amateur radio clique. Those who are
radio amateurs are a part of it. You aren't.
Which is what you are really
stating, it is just a bunch of "good ole cb buddies", but thinking of
themselves in some glorified manner!
To Dan the ARS stands for Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society.
Is there proof of your statement?
Kind of a low-grade "one-world, one-government" kind of thing,
all molded around THEIR concept of how the hobby "is."
Dannie can't accept anything else but HIS beliefs. For other,
different ideas he gets hostile, volatile, tries to batter
the different to the floor tile.
That description would certainly apply to you, Leonard. There are
plenty of others here who have a view of amateur radio which is entirely
at odds with yours. The big difference is that they *are* radio
amateurs. Your view is that of a total outsider. For years you have
attempted battering the different to the floor tile. Go figure.
Disgusting really... and yes, I
remember a time when it was NOT this way, you had a few anti-social
weirdos who were loners and thought themselves special because of a hobby
license, but that seems to have become catching and has almost infected
the whole lot, the sane ones are rather few and far between these days...
We differ, John. I can easily remember a mere two decades ago
on visiting the Lockheed ARC...when Lockheed was having a lot of
difficulties with the state and the city of Burbank. In general
a bunch of disheartening, don't-tell-me-nothing-because-we-rule
group of "extras" whose major dissatisfaction was really that
they were in imminent danger of being on LAY OFF.
snip of a dreadfully lengthy treatise on the Extra Class hams at
Lockheed being responsible for the demise of the company
All that remains of Lockheed is
the silhouettes of the Vega, the Constellation, the P-38, and
the SR-71 on the parking lot section signs. Rebirth.
I was reminded of this from yesterday when my wife and I were at
a store in the Empire Center. At the large entrance we saw an old
geezer regaling a couple of younger women about his work at
Lockheed ("over there where building 15 was" "we built
A fellow about your age, Len? In another place, the tale could have
been something about your having worked 24/7 at ADA in Japan a
half-century ago.
The young women were polite, smiled, but clearly
didn't find any interest or amusement at this.
Perhaps now you understand the reaction to the continual retelling of
your ADA tale.
Eventually the
old geezer wound down and all left. In one way that's the way
it will be with U.S. amateur radio. Rebirth. The new replacing
the old.
Amateur radio? It sounds like you're working on a story about life itself.
The old will become a memory, one not treasured so
emotionally as by the old-timers. The future will be different,
brighter, full of new things. New leaders will form and lead.
New-timers will enjoy the new environment. Oldsters will grouse
and bitch, complaining mightily about it not being as good as
"the old days." Of course not. "The old days" were only a
figment of imagination after all, a nostalgia of never-was, an
emotion of discovery only to individuals then new to radio.
"Amateur Worship is a Mental Disorder", is going to be the title of a book
I am working on! grin
There ARE those of that disorder. They exist. They have
themselves to their own imaginary fairyland, a lifestyle of
they are "masters of radio"...but "masters" only of an imaginary
world of the 30s and 40s long gone...when Kode was King and all was
simple and orderly, fixed in place.
Some live in a very different fairyland, one where the unlicensed in
amateur radio can make believe that they are a part of the game. They
could, for example, haunt an amateur radio newsgroup for nearly a decade
and attempt impressing *mere radio amateurs* with tales of their
exploits in commercial radio or in the military of decades and decades back.
I look forward to a FUTURE, not a past.
Well, OT, the odds are that it will be a fairly short one. Best hustle
or be forever something less than a footnote in amateur radio.
I was in the past and
all wasn't as good as it is now.
Some things were better then. Some things are better now.
The future looks like a better
place, something to enjoy, to have fun in, free of the ties to
old standards and practices that are out of place now.
I beat you to it. I thought of that forty years back. It was sometimes
a better place. I enjoyed some things but there were problems and there
were things which I didn't enjoy. Some new standards and practices were
introduced. Some of them worked out well. Others were scrapped and we
saw people doing the things the old way, because those ways are better.
It doesn't really matter now. It is all in the past.
out old
I love the words over your sig. You're out and you're old.
By the way, didn't "John" say that you're dead but animated?
Dave K8MN
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