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Old May 24th 04, 12:18 AM
Posts: n/a

"I" am not defending it "entirely", but if the man pays for it, it is his to
do with as he pleases! As the anonymous one wrote to me, He is putting food
on his table by doing so. That is HIS words, not mine. I only tore my ****
apart because it was TOO BIG to ship and it was more acceptable to be sold
by parts, which I DID do. ALL sold in a couple weeks. It was a USED item
though. IF the guy feels it will bring in more to him dead than alive, that
is his prerogative. It doesn't mean I, you or anyone else has to agree or
disagree. It's his ****, he'll do with it as he pleases. Our opinions don't
really mean dick in the end.


"JOE" wrote in message
Ripping apart a MINT radio (I've been watching this guy for months - he

a MINT SB-303 back a few months ago) is absurd.

Defend it all you like. I still think it's just plain profiteering and
a limited resource.

Maybe those who think this is right will allow hunting of bald eagles

"Lou" wrote in message
And the next time you write to my personal E-MAIL, leave a valid address

my reply. Share your comments with the group. Yes, maybe he is trying to

food on his table. No one would knock him for that. Just seems a bit odd

tear apart "working" units. That is all I think anyone is trying to say.
There are reasons, I've had them as I've alluded to... It just seems to

pass common sense though - in many cases.


wrote in message
Parts are always worth more then the hole try buying a car a piece at


jakdedert wrote:

Lou wrote:

Not that I agree with stripping a "working" unit apart to sell the
parts, but I have seen cases where an item was "close" to working
condition, but to put money into it to get it to work was more
expensive than had the person stripped it and sold it for parts - as
the parts for that particular unit were hard to find and not
necessarily cheap. The only time I've stripped working items to sell
parts from, is if I could not sell it whole, or it was too expensive
to ship and I found people interested in buying the parts. I did
quite well that way. Maybe this guy "feels" he can make more parting
it out than it is worth! This guy may have an axe to grind.. Maybe

doesn't like Ham and this is his revenge - or as another stated, his
therapy. Who knows what may be the driving force......

I can understand the emotion. Seeing something perfectly good

sets my teeth on edge as well. I guess we all have to console

with the idea that those parts will go on to make any number of 'not
working' sets 'perfectly good' again...although given an option, I'd

that an original--not cobbled together with parts from donor

worth more.



"JOE" wrote in message

Maybe you would prefer he have to apply for a government permit
before he could disassemble it.

Wow! Only 3 posts before the looney toons start showing up!