KU4YP wrote:
i always have to laugh at the "open forum" here. it's kinda like
christmas as a kid, for me. you expect something new, but as always, same
****, different box. save the breath on free speech, i am
i can understand joe's reaction. 'most" people who frequent this group
look at a junker radio and see what can be raised from the ashes. if you
don't, you probably don't like boatanchors. yes, we scalp "junk" to keep the
others living, however most take no pleasure in it. i, for one, am not proud
of scalping old rigs. i'd like to save them all. truth is, we can't. and if
i wish to continue to use and enjoy my heathkits, swans,
hammarlunds..................i will have to do this from time to time.
however, to take a perfectly working rig and dice it up for parts, is
absurd. i can relate with joe's comments, i love old radios. any brand. for
me, the monitary value does not matter. (flamers note: i said ME) i would
venture to say "most" hams have one piece of equipment in the station that
money simply can not buy.
yes, it is his stuff. yes, he can do whatever he wants. yes, we will not
stop it. blah blah blah.
yes, it is sad to see.
Just because it is a persons "right" to do something - and make no
mistake about it, if he wants to crap in the radio, then run over it
with his car - it is his to do it with. But that really doesn't make it
A person that loves old radios would almost never tear apart a mint rig.
But of course, we are talking about Ebay here. A person would do well
to take any claims as to "mintness" with a big bag of salt!
- Mike KB3EIA -