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  #22   Report Post  
Old August 24th 05, 05:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Behold, Michael A. Terrell scribed on tube chassis:

Gregg wrote:

Behold, clf scribed on tube chassis:

I've got a Power Transformer out of an old Tek Scope - 545 I think or
maybe an earlier model.

Hey, I actually have specs for that one! :-)

I have a Tektronix CRT and Shield:

The CRT part# is 154-0531-00
The shield part# is 337-1021-01
and the power transformer:
The transformer part# is 120-0575-00.

I believe they are from a 561 rack mount scope I scrapped for the
high voltage supply to fix a portable scope. I also have the power
transformer from the same scope.

120-0575... Hmmm, my schema shows different #. Must be a 561 then.

Gregg "t3h g33k"
*Ratings are for transistors, tubes have guidelines*