an_old_friend wrote:
from ERLPN Jan 31 1999, 4:00 am
Several days ago I wrote a private mail to Mark NoOrgan which he
editied and put on this NG. A disrespectful thing to do, but nothing
less than
what we have come to expect.
I repost that letter in it enirety here for anyone who gives a
rat's kazoo
to see how Mark NoOrgan manipulates words to TRY to make his pont:
reminder cut
Stevei has gone and on about how has he never sent me private email
there is a post in which he boasts publicly of sending it
try google search in this group on erlpn and organ 3 entiries found one
of them this one
Notice his fixation on your genitals. He has a long, long, long
history of such, though he denies it.