August 24th 05, 01:53 AM
On 22 Aug 2005 06:37:55 -0700, "bdonovan1" wrote:
You ****ing dumbass. You are trying to sell this garbage here? LOL
Want that super swing that there selling on ebay for up to 15.00 and
dont want to pay it? Well you dont have to. Watch you radio swing with
this "Fire in the wire kit" for only 6.00 shipped to your shack.
Install your self in about 15 min and watch that radio scream. Fits
these radios.
Dirland 3300, 3600, 3900
Super Galaxy
Connex 3300, 3500
Excalibur base, Excalibur Samuri
Galaxy II, Galaxy 2100, 11B, 22B,
2517, DX33, DX44, DX55, DX66, DX73V,
DX77, DX88, DX99V, Melaka, Pluto,
Saturn, Siruis
Alan 87, Mirage II, Mirage III, Mirage 44,
6600, 88, 9900
Grant Export AM/FM/SBB (PC999)
Superstar 3300, 3600, 3900
Tek 506
Eagle 2000
Texas Star
President Franklin
President AX144 (PC833)
Vinnie S.