RadioGuy wrote:
Sorry fellow, I wasn't quick enough to post the AT-1 and AC-1 when it
came up for bids. I am not the seller of this gear. I just thought
some folks would find it interesting to know what an AT-1 went
for---and the photographs were very nice.
The photos are very nice. I saved the main one to my hard drive.
My first connection with the AT-1 was back in 1971 when my friend got
one for cutting grass---we were both Novices and in high school. He
didn't need the AC-1 antenna coupler and gave it to me.
I got mine a few years before...might have been around 1967. It was my
first transmitter...subsequently replaced by a Globe--uh, can't remember the
model--before I lost interest and let my ticket expire. I subsequently
donated them both to my Jr. college electronics dept.
I guess I should have posted the Allied Knight Kit Ocean Hopper with
a final bid of $200 or so a week ago and still did not make the
reserve---it was in pristine condition!
My first shortwave receiver (besides the old Zenith console) was a Knight
Space-Spanner. It got replaced by a Heathkit GR-54, which I'm looking at as
I type.
Best to remember, this is the 'boatanchor' newsgroup.
Nice 'blast from the past.' Thanks for posting.