Stable Regen Receiver--Does it Exist??
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August 24th 05, 06:28 AM
Bill Janssen
Posts: n/a
I have built a few dozen regen receivers and they all seem to work well
enough on AM signals--some extremely well--but kind of fall apart when
it comes to STABLE reception of CW and SSB.
Has anyone ever built a solid state regen that does well with CW and
SSB? If so I would love to know how you did it (I'd even share my some
of my massive collection of radio parts with you)...before I go off and
build another dozen regens.
I have a box full of prototypes affectionately dubbed my radio reject
graveyard (or dead radio pile)...I just don't want to be up to my neck
in more prototypes before I finally get a good one.
Seriously thinking of skipping it and building a simple DC or superhet.
Bruce Kizerian kk7zz
Figure out how to make a stable oscillator at the frequency you are
interested in. Then convert that design
to a regen. I think that is as close as you will get.
Bill K7NOM
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