Secwet Saggytits LARDASS Lee wrote:
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 04:21:18 +0200 (CEST), Secwet Hairy Woger wrote:
: Could Saggytits be Stan Lawson or is he Karol the polack from British Columbia?
: At any rate he believes the Bible, so he is weak of mind, but his posts reflect
: that.
[RES wanna bet?]
It's funny to see you whine about having pics removed. That' why it's
being done, dumbass!
"If a man have long hair it is a shame unto him." -- Paul, I Cor. 11:14
Exactly my point, you take it out of context. That is your way of doing
things though, since you have continuously proven you are a ****wit.
Anybody can see the whole chapter is dealing with the covering of the
head during worship.
Roger is your owner..... The whole Internet 666:1
Subject: Get on the Marshall County ARES webpage......
Date: 3 Jul 2002 22:03:46 GMT
(Stagger Lee)
Organization: Houston's least reliable ISP
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:18:35 -0400, AB8MQ wrote:
: "Bob" wrote in message
: ...
: and send them some of Rogers filth. I'm sure they would love it.
: Dumb****, the Marshall County ARES doesn't have a webpage, try again,
Then what is at doodle brain?
It sure looks like the Marshall County ARES, and it even has a place
to send email.