August 25th 05, 01:13 AM
"-=jd=-" wrote in message
On Wed 24 Aug 2005 06:30:07p, "Michael" wrote in
message :
My new PCR-1000 arrived yesterday. My initial impressions are quite
good. I hooked it up to the PC yesterday night, installed the ICOM
software and started to tinker. The PC controlled interface is great to
use. I can see getting to like it better then using a standard
At first, I used the built in speaker on the PCR-1000, but quickly
decided to run it through my sound card after I heard how weak it was.
I had to open up the cover on the PCR-1000 to set it to use the
line-out. Once it was into the sound card, it sounded good. It comes
with a basic telescopic antenna and I'm currently using that. I was
able to hear a lot of the local municipal stuff. I was also able to
hear com from near by Teterboro airport. Though, I didn't test yet to
see if I could hear any of the NOAA low orbiting satellites yet. I'll
do that tonight. I have winorbit software to track the satellites and a
list of the active satellites and what frequency to tune to.
I gave a try using it for some short wave too. Although it wasn't bad,
it is not even close to being as good as my OR-75 is. It seems to be a
very good UHF/VHF receiver, but for shortwave, it is just an
"afterthought" to have it on there. It will do just fine for strong
signals, but it cant do much with weak and messy signals.
As of right now, I know very little about what and where to listen for
good scanner transmit. I'm not even sure where to use FM and where to
use AM or SSB. I've got a lot to learn. Also.... I have to find out
what software to get in order to use it like an actual UHF/VHF scanner.
It has great potential,but I'm gonna have to figure out how to get what
I can out of it.
On the down side, it came with some free Bonito software; RadioComm 4.5.
It has a satellite tacking program, Sitor, PSK, Weather Fax software
and a bunch of other stuff. I was really looking forward to taking
advantage of using it, as I love utility. The problem is, I cant get
the program to work. Every time I launch it, I get a com port error.
The ICOM software works just fine on that serial port. No port
problems, but the Bonito software that I was looking forward to using
wont work. I'm not sure if it is a windows XP issue, problems with my
serial port, sound card issue or what. I was thinking of trying to
get a serial to USB adaptor and giving it a try through my PC's USB port
instead of the serial port.
Other then that, I can see I'm going to have a tremendous time with it.
I'll need some software and a good antenna, though.
If anyone has any recommendations for software to use it with I'd
greatly appreciate it.
The Bonito software is an excersize in frustration. I abandoned it almost
I'm coming to the same conclusion that you did, and fast too !!!!
My primary control software is "Talk PCR".
Thanx for the links !!!!
I just downloaded it and will give it a try. I hope it will work with win
XP. I also downloaded RxPluss and will try that too.