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Old August 25th 05, 01:35 AM
Stagger Leechildraper
Posts: n/a

Secwet Saggytits Lee whined as much as he's reminded he needs Rogaine:

On 24 Aug 2005 04:50:13 -0700, Secwet Baldy Saggytits guesses wrong again wrote:
: Stagger Lee whined like the pussy he is:
: "If a {Out of context bible verse flushed)


Exactly my point, you take it out of context. That is your way of doing

things though, since you have continuously proven you are a ****wit.
Anybody can see the whole chapter is dealing with the covering of the
head during worship.
[end restore]

Yea, yea.


Saggytits makes good spell!

You aren't into heterosexuality are you, Saggytits?


Looks like Saggytits is a full blown queer with AIDS!

You screamed really loud when your priest molested you after choir
practice, didn't you, Saggytits Lee?


Translation: Saggytits liked when the priest molested him as a child.

Why don't you ever address the fact you can't find the right website
for the Marshall County WV ARES?
Must be that alcohol abuse you do, like drinking on Sunday.

"...Drunkenness...and the like...those who practice such things will
not inherit the kingdom of God... And those who are Christ's have
crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." (Galatians 5:21-24)