nobodys_old_friend wrote:
OK Markie...You Said I Admitted Libel...Now Show us WHERE...
another lie stevie
No, it's not.
I never said you admitted to libel I said you
admitted to getting you access cut becuase of libel. I also said youd
deny it was libel
"because" "you'd"
S T I L L not true, Markie!
I N E V E R said AOL "cut" my "access".
And it wasn't libel. Read the post YOU quoted.
so buzz another lie on your part
S T I L L no lie from me, Markie!
WHY do you insist on making posts that are, in-and-of-themselves,
patently false, Markie...?!?!
I left the entire previous post intact below...
SHOW ME where the admission of having my AOL access cut was made,
Steve, K4YZ
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
was chatching (catching) up on Stevie and noticed this post where Stevie admit AOL
found his stuff libelous (he denies it was but admits AOL thought so)
Here's YOUR post, intact, Markie.
YOU said that I "admit(ed)" that AOL "found (my) stuff libelous".
WHERE in that post, Markie, did I "admit" that AOL found my stuff
AOL's letter to me only stated that there was a "complaint" and
they removed the page due to "controversy".
LENNIE said it was libelous...but then Lennie also chides others
for being "thin skinned", but clearly can't stand having his own deciet
and misdeeds fed back to him.
MY comment was that AOL took the path of least resistance. No less...
k4yz said on May 29 2004
Subject: CW Testing Question
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 5/28/2004 9:56 PM Central Standard Time
If somethings true, it's not libelous.
AOL thought it was VERY libelous and cancelled that alternate
screen name you used then.
You went ballistic on that "home page" and were clearly deep
into libelous personal attack. AOL concurred.
AOL did what AOL always does...they took the path of least
You DID misrepresent your intentions with an e-mail that
contained OTHER than what you attested to it being.
Poor baby. A simple mistake and you go BALLISTIC!
cut the rest
Of course you "cut the rest".
You usually do when it portends embarrasment.
Steve, K4YZ