On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:42:41 GMT, Dave Heil sang:
"H-e-e-e-r-e I come to save the d-a-a-a-y!"
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, "
wrote in
. com:
Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put
down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others
that he deems are his "opponents."
Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz
fighting his fights for him.
It's only fair, Twiddle Frank. After all, we've got a CBer and a
non-ham (Twaddle Len) writing all sorts of malicious nonsense.
What you have is a USMC imposter that is probably also a ham imposter,
and two EE's with verifiable military backgrounds.
LAPD are
fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry,
and DO do things about those who are pretenders.
So do Marines.
There you go. You've got a mission. Contact the Corps about Steve and
let them know that he wasn't a Marine.
I let them know that a person in here is claiming to be a retired USMC
gunny but is most likely an imposter, if that's what you mean. If they
choose to act on it that's up to them.
A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged
in 50 years,
While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it
became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and-
transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or
Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the
public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople
like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or
faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly
has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again.
I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-)
My bad.
...but just a few posts ago, a DD-214 (according to you) was for
transfers and made Steve guilty of something.
I see that you are just as deficient in quantitative reasoning skills
as you are in qualitative reasoning skills. To wit: From 1955 to 1979
the DD-214 was used for both transfers and discharges. Dudly claims to
have served from 1974 until 1992, and therefore would have served five
of those years during the time when the DD-214 was used for transfers.
The only people who stay at one duty station for five years or more
are high-ranking uppity-ups. Therefore, Gunny Robeson would have at
least one (and probably two) DD-214's -in addition to- the DD-214 used
for his discharge. Dudly only claims to have -one- DD-214. Therefore,
Dudly is -not- Gunny Robeson.
Did you understand that or do you need me to draw you a picture?
I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun,
have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the
detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party
who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74...
we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical.
Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my
Blue Nose card.
What kind of guy carries a copy of his DD-214 around with him?
What kind of Marine lets someone else fight his battles?
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