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Old August 25th 05, 02:16 PM
The Other Guy
Posts: n/a

"Pred02" wrote in news:1124741375.452636.265120

I just bought a radio scanner (radioshack pro-83) and want to listen to
airband frequencies, however, I cannot find any on the airband. I tried
doing the scan, and even tuning to specific ones, like Boston ATC and
whatnot, but cannot hear anything.

Other frequencies, such as Police/Fire I hear just fine. I am
approximately 10 miles away from a major airport.

Am I doing something wrong, or I really have to be close to the airport
to hear them on the scanner?


Kind regards,

Well your first problem is it's a Radio **** I mean Shack "Compact
Handheld Scanner" and your 10 miles away from the airport.. If you where
1 mile away it might, I say might work!! The antenna on that "Compact
Handheld Scanner" is junk. You need a real antenn pluged into it.. A
better bet for what you want to do would have been the Pro-2052 heck
Radio **** only wants $149.99 for it.

or a Uniden BC895XLT or any base or moble scanner with a real antenna,
any real antenna... That crapy rubber ducky thingy on that "Compact
Handheld Scanner" is just there for looks, you want to hear the airport
click the link

mount it 20 feet above your home.

That Other George

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