K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
OK Markie...You Said I Admitted Libel...Now Show us WHERE...
another lie stevie
No, it's not.
yes it is lie
I never said you admited to the libel
there your title was and is a lie
I never said you admitted to libel I said you
admitted to getting you access cut becuase of libel. I also said youd
deny it was libel
"because" "you'd"
S T I L L not true, Markie!
I N E V E R said AOL "cut" my "access".
sure did
And it wasn't libel. Read the post YOU quoted.
I read it it was libelous
so buzz another lie on your part
S T I L L no lie from me, Markie!
sure was
WHY do you insist on making posts that are, in-and-of-themselves,
patently false, Markie...?!?!
I have not
cuting stevie efforts to waste bandwidth