an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
when you going to stop lying about your license in the medcial field?
I don't have a medical license. Never did, never SAID I did.
There we have it ladies and gents
There we have WHAT, Markie?
Do you not know the difference between a medical license and a
nursing license, Markie?
Sure does seem like it.
You've been unsuccessfully trying tie "medical" and
"psychological" health together for the last week now...Now you're
trying to say I've "lied" about my LPN license because I acknowledge
that I don't have a medical license?
That's why Nurses get their licenses from a "Board of Nursing",
not a "Board of Medicine", Markie.
Get a paper towel and wipe the egg off your face, chump.
Steve, K4YZ