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Old August 25th 05, 10:31 PM
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Default N9OGL comments on K1MAN taken from QRZ

Hello everyone, I see there is another discussion on K1MAN. I am
currently working on a petition to send to the FCC regarding K1MAN.
This petition is real not for K1MAN nor is it against him. I mainly
wish to bring some of my concerns and questions to the commission. I am
currently as I stated working on it but here is what I've got so far.

I. Broadcasting and Information Bulletins

1. N9OGL believes that the FCC should clarify the rules regarding
Information Bulletins and Broadcasting.
2. N9OGL questions the FCC decision regarding K1MAN "broadcast" was
this decision "content-neutral" and how does the decision conform
to Section 326 of the Communication Act of 1934 and the First

II. Pecuniary Interest

1. 97.113(a)(2) prohibits ANY amateur station from making money direct
or indirect from the amateur service. N9OGL questions while K1MAN made
money directly the ARRL and its W1AW is making money indirectly how is
one allowed to do it and another isn't?
2. What is the FCC definition of non-commercial radio? Because it seems
that the definition has an arbitrary assortment of definitions from one
service to the next.

Todd N9OGL