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Old August 26th 05, 02:41 AM
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"an_old_friend" wrote in message

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"an_old_friend" wrote in message

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"an_old_friend" wrote in message


And by that you are infering that I do that, eh? Give me an example.
Besides a quote from Lennie that is.

your own support of proetected segments for CW for one another you
attitutde that new comers must mind there place
all your words not lens


Well at least I have the gonads to use a real call and name.

First off asking for a CW only segment is not all that far fetched. I

After for a CW Only segment and expecting to gte what you want is plain
nuts. look what happend in VHF you got a couple right at the top of 2M
and at the top of some other band

Dang......are you saying we had a CW assignment at the 147.995 range or
something? If we did, I don't remember it.

been trying to work on 40 cw ever since the ARRL came out with the latest
"gentleman's agreement" of allowing digital to operate within the CW
Total failure. So why should I expect anything better? Of course BB

Total failure meaning CW can't compete as I have beens aying for years

No dummy that is not what I said, or mean. It is the non CW qualified types
that just dump on top of a on-going CW communication....because they have no
idea it is a real communication. Because they can't copy it. Clear now?

And that is exactly what will happen in the event of NOT having a exclusive
CW segement.

wouldn't know that would you? So why not just stick with what you KNOW
about? And do us all a favor.

why don't you grow up and stop asking for protection of your petty

Why can't you admit that you know NOTHING about the subject and just go

You are obviously a product of the 1960 feel good free love society. You
were most certainly TAUGHT by them. I feel sorry for you. This
explains your problem. So I can't blame you for your "problems".

Naw you have it wrong again. I am a bit too old to taught by the 1960's

Then I really feel sorry for you. You must have grown up in the 60s and
your MaryJane brain is still screwed up from all the sessions.

Don't forget to send in those dues to the ACLU.

No way the ACLU isn't the demon say Bill O'Riealy wants to make them
out as as but they are not folks that I support either when are you going to start acting right?